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The Integrated Regional Operational Programme (IROP) is one of the most important tools in the Czech Republic for financing projects aimed at improving the quality of life in the regions. This program is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and focuses on various areas that are key to regional development and growth.

Main goals and support areas of the IROP:

  1. Infrastructure and Environment: IROP supports the construction and modernization of infrastructure, including roads, bridges, railways, as well as water management and waste management. The goal is to increase the safety, accessibility, and environmental sustainability of these infrastructure projects.
  2. Education and Skills: The program funds projects aimed at modernizing schools and educational facilities, improving teaching equipment, and supporting lifelong learning. This aims to ensure equal access to quality education for all residents.
  3. Healthcare and Social Services: IROP invests in the modernization of medical facilities, expanding hospital capacities, and improving care quality. It also supports projects focused on social integration, elderly care, and disadvantaged groups.
  4. Culture and Tourism: The program focuses on the renovation and protection of cultural heritage, supporting cultural institutions, and developing tourism. The goal is to increase the attractiveness of regions for tourists and strengthen the local economy.
  5. Technological Development and Innovation: IROP supports projects aimed at developing digital services, e-government, and innovations. The goal is to increase the competitiveness of regions and improve the accessibility of public services through modern technologies.

More about IROP:

Climate assessment of investments for IROP projects

Climate impact assessment is a key element in evaluating projects funded by the IROP. This process ensures that investments are sustainable and contribute to mitigating climate change and adapting to its impacts.

Technical guidelines for assessing climate impact

According to the European Commission guidelines, the assessment of climate impact is divided into two pillars:

  1. Mitigation of Climate Change: Assessment and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. This pillar includes determining the carbon footprint of the project, analyzing emissions, and implementing measures to reduce these emissions.
  2. Adaptation to Climate Change: Assessment of project resilience to climate change, identification of risks and vulnerabilities, and implementation of adaptation measures.

Documentation and verification process

Climate verification includes detailed documentation that is essential for justifying investment decisions. This process is integrated with Project Cycle Management (PCM), Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA).

The technical guidelines of the European Commission include methodologies for determining the carbon footprint, cost-benefit analysis, and shadow carbon pricing. Assessments of climate vulnerability and risks serve as the basis for planning and implementing climate change adaptation measures.

A detailed overview of the process and documentation for assessing climate impact can be found in the European Commission’s communication. This document contains technical guidelines that are relevant for assessing projects in the programming period 2021-2027.

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