Community Energy
Are you ready to increase your energy self-sufficiency and the efficiency of your local communities? Our Community Energy Service is for you, making you independent from the big energy companies.
I want to prepare a community energy projectDo you have any questions?

Ing. Jiří Jedlička, Ph. D.
Write or call, we will be happy to answer your questions
4 advantages of this service
A roadmap to
lower energy costs
Use of renewable
energy sources
Preservation of financial resources
at a local level
Framework financial plan
is a part of the output
What is communal energy?
Community-managed energy is a way to increase the energy self-sufficiency of local communities. Communal energy is based on the cooperation of multiple actors: municipalities, businesses, or households, and aims at obtaining energy from local renewable sources. Currently, community energy can be funded by the National Environment Programme.
What can we help you with?
Our Community Energy Service comes with a range of benefits. First and foremost, there are the economic benefits; members of energy communities can save a lot of money by using renewable energy sources. Of course, there are also environmental benefits because the production and consumption of clean energy leads to reduced greenhouse gas emissions, enhanced environmental protection, and the phasing out of fossil fuels. Last but not least, community energy also contributes to the economic development of communities and creates new job opportunities.

What does this service include?
Součástí návrhu komunitní energetiky vypracované naší společností je následující:
Analysis of the current state of energy policy solutions in the city, including organizational arrangements and technical and procedural prerequisites
research on appropriate approaches in the field of community energy and examples of good practice
organizational and legal analysis of the issue
a framework examination of the technical applicability of suitable approaches, including legislative options
formulation of a vision and set of goals for the energy community of the city about the climate and energy goals, policies, and strategies of the Czech Republic and the EU
analysis of the community, stakeholders (including energy companies in the city, distributors, and energy producers), and media
project timelines
analysis of the possibilities of the municipality's economic instruments, e.g. in the form of a municipal subsidy program
financial framework plan that includes the identification of external sources of funding
What will be our output?
If you decide to use our service, you will get clear guidance on how to achieve energy self-sufficiency in line with the climate and energy strategies of the Czech Republic and the European Union. We will also provide you with an analysis of how the project itself can be financed, including an outline financial plan.
4 steps to communal energy
establishing an energy community
monitoring, data collection and energy management applications
development of an energy strategy or energy community plan
actual implementation of sustainable energy projects and investments

176 mil. Kč
Cities, municipalities and associations have successfully submitted 76 complete and correctly filled out proposals under Call for Proposals No. 7/2023 for the establishment of energy communities, requesting support of CZK 137 million. An inter-ministerial evaluation committee subsequently selected the most successful projects to proceed to the second round, with the aim of fully utilising the available allocation of CZK 98 million.

Ready to help
Get in touch. I am here for you.

Ing. Jiří Jedlička, Ph. D.
Write or call, we will be happy to answer your questions

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Kdo tuto službu využil

Martin Vokřál
jednatel společnost ASITIS
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Contact us and we will be happy to help you with any of our services
Martin Vokřál