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  • 3-30-300 and UpGreen: Nature-Based Solutions for Greener, Resilient Cities 

    Miloslav Kaláb, Climate Resilience SpecialistMiloslav Kaláb

    map layer of buildings with the attribute of value (yes/no) for rule 3 of 3-30-300
  • Using Climate Impact Chains (CICs) to strenghthen urban resilience

    Miloslav Kaláb, Climate Resilience SpecialistMiloslav Kaláb

    Visual representation of a climate impact chain showing the sequence from climate hazards, such as flooding or extreme weather, to various urban impacts. Icons depict affected elements like buildings, infrastructure, transportation, and public health. Arrows connect each stage, illustrating the progression from exposure to sensitivity and adaptive capacity. The image highlights the interconnected impacts of climate events on urban systems, aligning with the blog's focus on using Climate Impact Chains (CICs) for understanding and enhancing urban resilience."

    Jan Závěšický

    sustainable energy
  • UpGreen at URBIS24

    Jan LabohýJan Labohý

    Segment vitality stress and resilience
  • How the modern customer thinks about sustainability and ESG reporting

    Jan Závěšický

  • Adaptation strategies for the cities of Brezno (SK) and Šaľa

    Jan Matouš

  • The importance of CRCF in the context of LCA and

    Martin Vokřál

  • Exploring how small bodies of water prevent hydrometeorological extremes

    Martin Vokřál

    malé vodní plochy
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