Get ready

Your partner for climate change

With us, you will be ready.
Adaptation and Mitigation
under the same roof
Comprehensive solutions and a holistic approach
we combine specialized disciplines and develop innovative solutions
we build on the experiences of design studios, innovative technologies, and good practice
Research and development
we are involved in several scientific research and innovation projects

We are very satisfied with the local energy concept and we continue to cooperate with ASITIS on the implementation of the measures proposed in the MEK – specifically on the implementation of photovoltaics for the primary school and kindergarten, as well as on the preparation of energy assessments, PENB and climate proofing of investments. But there are also other topics that we are working on together with ASITIS, such as the establishment of an energy community. Personally, I very much appreciate the comprehensiveness of ASITIS services. We know that we can always rely on ASITIS as experts with knowledge of the energy market. Every step they propose makes sense and moves our community forward.

Blažena Galiová
Mayor of Šardice
Všechny reference

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