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Copernicus programme

The Copernicus programme, managed by the European Commission in cooperation with ESA and other agencies, aims to provide accurate, timely and easily accessible information to improve environmental management, understand climate change and ensure civil security. It consists of three main components: a space component (satellites), in-situ measurements (ground data) and services.

The space component includes the Sentinel satellites, developed by ESA, which provide continuous and autonomous Earth observation. These satellites monitor conditions on land, in the ocean and in the atmosphere. The in-situ component collects data from ground, airborne and marine measurement systems to complement the satellite data. The services provide information in six themes: atmosphere, sea, land, climate, emergency and security.

Copernicus services are used for a variety of applications such as monitoring air quality, monitoring marine pollution, assessing land use change and responding to natural disasters. Copernicus’s information is freely available.

Sentinel-2 satellite

Sentinel-2 is part of the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Copernicus Earth observation programme. The Sentinel-2 mission includes two satellites, Sentinel-2A and Sentinel-2B, launched in June 2015 and March 2017 respectively. These satellites provide high-resolution optical imagery for monitoring vegetation, land, water bodies and coastal areas. Sentinel-2 data supports a wide range of applications, including agricultural monitoring, forestry, land cover classification and disaster management.

Our cooperation with ESA:


UpGreen is an innovative service that uses artificial intelligence and satellite data to provide cities with comprehensive analyses, forecasts and proposals for urban green development. Following the success of an international feasibility study on the integration of advanced technologies for cities, the cities of Lisbon and Copenhagen are now the demonstration sites for UpGreen. The project is expected to last 18 months, during which time the cities will gradually acquire the technological outputs for their use in urban planning processes, including urban design, urban planning, green space management and investment planning.

Climate Resilience App

A project focusing on strengthening urban resilience to climate change through the CICs (climate impact chains) methodology, the output of which will be an application that analyses and models the cascading effects of climate phenomena in the urban environment.


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