ESG reporting
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Ing. Jiří Jedlička, Ph. D.
4 benefits of this service
What is ESG reporting?
What can we help you with?

What does this service include?
What will be our output?
Who does ESG reporting concern?

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Ing. Jiří Jedlička, Ph. D.

What are the requirements of the CSRD on non-financial reporting?
The CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) extends non-financial reporting obligations to all large companies and, from 2027, to listed small and medium-sized companies. The CSRD seeks to ensure transparency and comparability of ESG data and introduces mandatory auditing of non-financial information.
Corporate sustainability reporting directive – at a glance.
Why is ESG reporting important?
ESG reporting is important for many reasons. It helps companies better understand the risks and opportunities associated with their activities. It also allows them to transparently communicate their sustainability values and strategies, which can increase investor confidence and improve a company’s reputation. Non-financial indicators that are part of ESG reporting play a key role in assessing a company’s performance, and are increasingly important for investor decision-making.
What is the difference between CTAP and ESG?
ESG and other climate documents are key to monitoring corporate/municipal progress on GHG reduction and other environmental, social and governance targets. Using ESG, companies detail the targets they set, their emissions over time and the progress they are making towards these targets. Longer-term, strategic plans are identified. In contrast, CTAPs are short-term plans focused on specific goals. Although they may be included in ESG reports, they should be seen as complementary and more specific. ESG reports serve as the cornerstone for CTAPs

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