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Climate-proofing future infrastructure projects

We are ready to prepare high quality documents that will enable you to finance your project plans.
I want to prepare climate proofing

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Jiří Jedlička, obchod

Ing. Jiří Jedlička, Ph. D.

Write or call, we will be happy to answer your questions

4 advantages of this service with s ASITIS

Experience with complex
Standard delivery  
from 3 weeks
High quality
at competitive prices
compliance with legal requirements
Climate screening is an integral part of EU IROP calls

For more information, see the European Commission Communication – Technical Guidelines for Climate Impact Screening of Infrastructure 2021-2027 (2021/C 373/01).

 Direct link to: EUR-Lex

What is climate proofing of investments?

The aim of climate screening of investments is to assess whether the infrastructure or project outputs are vulnerable to the potential long-term effects of climate change. The objective of the screening documentation is to assess whether the infrastructure or outputs of the project are vulnerable to the potential long-term effects of climate change, to assess the level of greenhouse gas emissions generated by the project, and to verify that the infrastructure or outputs of the project are consistent with the objective of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 and climate resilient development.
What can we do to help?
New EU legislation from 2021 makes it mandatory to prepare a climate investment screening for all EU-funded infrastructure projects between 2021 and 2027. With us, you will be ready to meet the requirements necessary to obtain subsidies.
městská zeleň, urban green

What does this service include?

Our team of experts in the field of climate change adaptation and mitigation is ready to provide you with high-quality documents that will enable the financing of your project plans.

Climate impact screening is a process divided into two pillars (mitigation, adaptation) and their two phases (screening, detailed analysis).

In the mitigation pillar, we will assess the need to calculate the carbon footprint of the investment in the first phase and, if necessary, a phase 2 calculation of the carbon footprint of the investment and the operation of the infrastructure will be prepared. The output can then be recommendations that, if secured, will enable the project to comply with the 2050 climate neutrality targets.
In the climate change adaptation pillar, the first phase will assess the vulnerability of the project to climate change impacts. If a high or medium level of vulnerability is identified, the screening of the project in this pillar continues with a detailed risk analysis (Phase 2). This includes additional information on the need for adaptation measures.
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What will be our output?

As part of this service, you will receive an investment screening prepared in accordance with the methodological guidelines of the respective subsidy titles and the Communication from the European Commission (Technical Guidelines for Climate Impact Screening of Infrastructure 2021-2027 (2021/C 373/01).
Klimatické prověření pro cyklistické stezky

Who is affected by climate proofing investments?

local governments
State-owned enterprises
companies and private entities
grant agencies

Ready to help

Public Sphere

Get back to me. I'm here for you.

Jiří Jedlička, obchod

Ing. Jiří Jedlička, Ph. D.

Write or call, we will be happy to answer your questions

Často se nás ptáte

  • Can climate impact screening be applied to all types of investments?

    The climate impact screening of investments now concerns infrastructure projects. In the future, screening will also cover science and research projects.

  • What are the costs associated with climate proofing of investments?

    Costs may vary depending on the specific needs of the project. It also varies depending on whether the documentation is devoted only to Phase 1, when screening takes place, or also to a detailed analysis, which is carried out only in Phase 2 if the scope of the investment exceeds the limits set by the Technical Guidelines.

    Costs also differ when the project (according to the Technical Guidelines) is by its nature subject to a carbon footprint assessment obligation.

  • How long does it take to process the documentation of climate proofing of investements?

    Documentation delivery dates may vary according to the agreement and the current workload of the team. We usually deliver deliverables within 4 weeks from the submission of all supporting documentation.

  • What are the legislative requirements for this documentation?

    The documentation is prepared in accordance with the Technical Guidelines for Climate Impact Screening of Infrastructure 2021-2027 (2021/C 373/01) issued by the European Commission on 16 September 2021.

    The documentation is always prepared according to the specific rules for applicants and beneficiaries, according to the specific call of the Integrated Regional Operational Programme 2021-2027 (IROP).

Kdo tuto službu využil

Martin Vokřál, jednatel ASITIS s.r.o.
Martin Vokřál
jednatel společnost ASITIS

We are ready to work together.

Contact us and we will be happy to help you with any of our services
Martin Vokřál

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