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Větrná elektrárna jako obnovitelný zdroje energie navržený v MEK či SECAP

Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan

The Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan, known by its acronym SECAP, is the answer to how to reduce emissions and save energy locally in conjunction with the membership. We're ready to tout this key tool for you, too.
I want to prepare a SECAP

Do you want to ask us something?

Jiří Jedlička, obchod

Ing. Jiří Jedlička, Ph. D.

Write or call, we will be happy to answer your questions.

4 advantages of this service with ASITIS

Quality backed by verifiable data
We deliver high quality outputs and action plans, all backed by concrete results and data.
Extensive experience
We have developed a number of SECAPs for municipalities, cities and regions.
Holistic approach
We have brought innovations in the form of satellite image analysis to the strategic planning of municipal development;
Adaptation and mitigation under one roof
ASITIS support is unique in that it has all competencies under one roof. From transport to energy communities, from landscape green spaces to community financing

What is SECAP?

The SECAP is a strategic document that defines targets and measures for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to climate change. It emphasises improving energy savings, energy efficiency and the use of sustainable energy sources. SECAP helps to minimise the impact of human activity on the climate. At the same time, it addresses energy security and sustainability. The Climate and Energy Action Plan you receive from us is never based on unsubstantiated assumptions, but on real and accurate data, scientific scenarios and technical calculations.
How will SECAP help you?
SECAP helps local governments develop a coordinated approach to achieving their climate and energy goals. In addition, it also supports innovation, green transformation and decarbonisation. SECAP will help you, your citizens and the businesses in your area to operate sustainably and in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). With our SECAP, you will find your way to companies and investors that address green finance and ESG.
CO2 emissions from car traffic

What this service includes:

The documentation we prepare for you is composed of several parts:
Baseline Emissions Inventory (BEI): includes a detailed analysis of the energy consumed and associated emissions production in the municipality.
Risk and Vulnerability Analysis (RVA) - focuses on the individual manifestations of climate change and the risks they pose.
Action Plan - contains a list of measures aimed at reducing GHG emissions in the municipality, preparing the municipality for the effects of climate change and options for addressing energy poverty.
Implementační část – nastavuje pravidla a podmínky pro následnou realizaci naplánovaných projektů, a to společně s časovými rámci, zdroji a přidělenými odpovědnostmi včetně průběžného monitoringu.
Emission inventory - prepared in conjunction with the SECAP and carried out at predetermined periods, used to update data and to evaluate achievements and performance.
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With what output can you count on?

You will receive from us a strategic, multidisciplinary, comprehensive document that presents a systematic approach to achieving the vision, goals and actions set out by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). It also includes an RVA, or risk and vulnerability assessment, and an action plan. The action plan we have delivered includes blue-green measures in the landscape and urban environment, grey measures for urban infrastructure and soft measures that consist of public awareness and education.


Statutory City of Přerov
The goal of the city of Přerov is to reduce CO2 emissions by 40% by 2030 compared to 2011, totaling a reduction of 81,816.8 tCO2/year.
The city's action plan includes a total of 101 measures aimed at reducing CO2 emissions, enhancing resilience, and decreasing the vulnerability of the territory to climate change, along with initiatives in education, awareness, and combating energy poverty:
80 mitigation measures: energy savings, renewable energy sources, sustainable transport, education
21 adaptation measures for climate change: water, greenery, sustainable development, education
City of Karvinná
SECAP includes a total of 53 measures (29 mitigation measures: energy savings, renewable energy sources, sustainable transport, education; 24 adaptation measures for climate change: water, greenery, sustainable development, education) impacting the reduction of CO2 emissions, enhancing resilience, and decreasing the vulnerability of the territory to climate change.
The implementation of the plan will allow the city to cumulatively reduce CO2 emissions by 85,538 Mg/year. Emissions in 2030 are expected to drop to 110,459 MgCO2 (considering the BAU scenario), representing a reduction of 40.8% compared to the baseline year (with a minimum of 40% required).  
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Signatories from among cities and municipalities have joined the Covenant of Mayors 


up to 70 measures in our Action Plans


Action Plans have already been submitted within the EU


countries are involved in the activities of the Covenant of Mayors.


measures proposed in the Action Plans for Climate and Energy have already been implemented in the EU.

Ready to help

Public Sphere

Get back to me. I am here for you.

Jiří Jedlička, obchod

Ing. Jiří Jedlička, Ph. D.

Write or call, we will be happy to answer your questions.

Často se nás ptáte

  • What is the difference between Sustainable energy and climate action plan (SECAP) and an adaptation strategy?

    SECAP is focused on actions leading to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the municipality. Actions in the energy sector, transport, etc. are therefore evaluated primarily in terms of their climate impacts. Meeting climate objectives is the main planning criterion, to which other aspects such as economic viability or overall energy stability of the area are subordinated. The SECAP also includes an analysis of the risks and vulnerability of the territory and proposals for adaptation to climate change. In this way it is similar to, and can partially replace, an adaptation strategy. However, the adaptation strategy addresses this topic in much more detail and using more advanced methods.

  • How often should a SECAP document be updated?

    The SECAP is updated at regular intervals to reflect current developments and progress. After every two years, the ongoing implementation of the projects is assessed. After four years, all monitored data is updated and progress assessed. At the end of the period (in 2030), the SECAP will be updated and targets announced for the new decade.

  • How long is the SECAP processed for?

    At present, the SECAP is always prepared with a target year of 2030, when the final evaluation of the achieved targets will be made. Before that time, the new objectives of the Covenant of Mayors for the next decade will have been announced, with which a new updated SECAP will be subsequently developed.

  • What is the level of involvement from the municipality?

    The level of municipal involvement depends on specific objectives and capacities. It may include the involvement of local government, citizens, businesses and other stakeholders.

    The municipality is expected to cooperate in the initial data collection for the development of the document. Representatives of the municipality are also usually members of the working group that is responsible for the formulation of the sub-objectives and that consults and discusses the draft measures.

    An important role of the municipality is also the creation of a background for cooperation and dialogue with various stakeholders who will be involved in the development of the document and the subsequent implementation of the objectives.

  • What is the Covenant of Mayors?

    The Covenant of Mayors is a European initiative that brings together local and regional authorities committed to increasing energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy in their territories. The aim is to reduce CO2 emissions by at least 40% by 2030 and to adopt a climate change mitigation and adaptation approach.

Kdo tuto službu využil

Martin Vokřál, jednatel ASITIS s.r.o.
Martin Vokřál
jednatel společnost ASITIS

We are ready to work together.

Contact us and we will be happy to help you with any of our services
Martin Vokřál

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