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Local energy concepts

Considering your needs, we will prepare a clear plan to optimise your energy supply and efficiently use the available resources. The Local Energy Concept is an important step towards the self-sufficiency of the municipality, which can be financed by the MIT EFEKT III programme.
I want a Local energy concept

Do you have any questions?

Jiří Jedlička, obchod

Ing. Jiří Jedlička, Ph. D.

Write or call, we will be happy to answer your questions

4 advantages of this service

Maximum use
of local renewable energy sources
Significant energy
and financial savings
up to 60 specific objectives
 in the action plan
Service is the building block
of communal energy

What is a Local Energy Concept?

The Local Energy Concept is a useful and concrete tool and guide to optimise the energy supply in relation to the energy consumed in the municipality. It also provides the opportunity to use local energy sources with an emphasis on renewable energy. It also includes an assessment of municipal buildings and assets and analyses the whole municipality, including households and the business sector.
How can we help you?
If you want to implement energy management and community energy in your municipality, a local energy concept should be the first step towards achieving this goal. It contains proposals for solutions that lead to energy and financial savings and to energy independence and self-sufficiency of the municipality. In developing the plan, we place great emphasis on a detailed assessment of rooftop capacity for the installation of PV, including the co-existence of generation and appropriate battery capacity. We are also assessing the potential for wind, hydro and geothermal power.

What does this service include?

The local energy concept developed by our company includes the following:
analysis of the current energy situation
a set of possible solutions, including a proposal for an optimal solution in the form of an energy action plan
comprehensive overview of the entire territory
a detailed local investigation by an expert on site.
I am interested

What will be our output?

If you have a local energy concept drawn up by us, you will receive a comprehensive strategic document that meets all the methodological requirements of the EFEKT III subsidy provider. In addition to the fact that our output meets all the requirements, the document also contains XY. Our service also includes a detailed action plan, which on average contains XY specific points prioritised. Last but not least, you can count on municipal building maps supplemented with data from the in situ survey.

Ready to help

public sphere

Get back to me. I'm here for you.

Jiří Jedlička, obchod

Ing. Jiří Jedlička, Ph. D.

Write or call, we will be happy to answer your questions

Často se nás ptáte

  • What is the added value of our Local Energy Concepts?

    In our view, the MEK is not just a collection of technical information and follow-up projects, but seeks to explain and put the whole issue into context.

    We have a lot of experience with the real construction of photovoltaic power plants of various sizes. Therefore, we can easily design a solution that best suits the requirements of a given facility.

    We also understand the environment and adaptation to climate change. Our MEK therefore includes some overlap with these topics.

  • What are the long-term goals and visions of MEK?

    The long-term goals and visions of the MEK may vary depending on the specific needs and opportunities of a given region, city or municipality, but in general they may focus on the following areas:

    Increase the share of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydropower or biomass to reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

    Improving energy efficiency: upgrading infrastructure, improving building insulation, promoting energy efficient equipment and technologies.

    Reduction of CO2 emissions

    Energy security: seeking to diversify energy sources and reduce dependence on external energy supplies.

  • What technologies and renewable energy sources are proposed in the MEK?

    PV plants are addressed in the greatest detail, with a detailed assessment of the available (rooftop) capacity for installation, but also the coincidence of production with consumption and the appropriate battery capacity across the whole village. However, the generation potential is also assessed for wind, hydro and geothermal power plants and in less detail for biomass energy (taking into account the energy efficiency of the chosen solution).

  • What are the benefits of Local Energy Concepts for municipalities and their residents?

    The MEK is the municipality’s response to current energy, resource and price trends.

    It is looking for solutions to the growing demands for decarbonisation, preferably using local renewables and modern technologies.

    It is useful for planning and practical development of a comprehensive solution for energy supply and consumption in a municipality

    A big motivation is the saving of primary energy consumed leading to financial savings.

  • What is the process of creating a MEK?

    The development of the document starts with the collection of available data on energy supply and consumption, climatic conditions, demography and the overall situation in the municipality. These data are then analysed and evaluated in the analytical part of the document. This is then followed by proposals for general and specific measures.

Kdo tuto službu využil

We are very satisfied with the local energy concept and we continue to cooperate with ASITIS on the implementation of the measures proposed in the MEK – specifically on the implementation of photovoltaics for the primary school and kindergarten, as well as on the preparation of energy assessments, PENB and climate proofing of investments. But there are also other topics that we are working on together with ASITIS, such as the establishment of an energy community. Personally, I very much appreciate the comprehensiveness of ASITIS services. We know that we can always rely on ASITIS as experts with knowledge of the energy market. Every step they propose makes sense and moves our community forward.

Blažena Galiová
Mayor of Šardice
Všechny reference
Martin Vokřál, jednatel ASITIS s.r.o.
Martin Vokřál
jednatel společnost ASITIS

We are ready to work together.

Contact us and we will be happy to help you with any of our services
Martin Vokřál

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