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Climate Transition Action Plan(CTAP)

A pioneering roadmap for sustainable transformation that goes beyond ESG, focusing on proactive strategy, financial optimization, and strengthening your brand.
I am interested in a CTAP

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Jiří Jedlička, obchod

Ing. Jiří Jedlička, Ph. D.

Write or call, we will be happy to answer your questions

4 advantages of this service

Optimisation and innovation
of business models
Green financing
and other competitive advantages
A tangible improvement
in corporate sustainability and credibility
Obtaining key data needed for the development and sustainable 
management of the company

What are CTAPs?

The Climate Transition Action Plan (CTAP) is a proactive and pioneering initiative based on the latest knowledge and approaches in climate change adaptation and mitigation. This service is designed to provide local governments and organizations with a concrete and measurable plan to achieve their long-term climate goals through practical and prioritized steps. CTAP emphasizes emissions reduction, risk management, access to finance, and optimization of business models, thereby increasing transparency and credibility and positively influencing the image of the involved entities.

What does this service include?

ESG reporting consists of three pillars:
An emissions reduction strategy: identifying concrete steps to effectively reduce your emissions in line with the scientific recommendations and targets of the Paris Agreement and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
Integration into business strategy and management: We incorporate climate objectives directly into your business model and decision-making process to ensure that your strategy reflects current and future climate challenges.
Public policy strategy: support in dialogue with public institutions and the creation of mutually beneficial relationships that promote sustainable development and emissions reduction.
An emissions reduction strategy: support in dialogue with public institutions and the creation of mutually beneficial relationships that promote sustainable development and emissions reduction.
I am interested in CTAPs

What are the advantages of CTAPs?

Emissions reduction and efficiency: provides a clear roadmap for reducing emissions and increasing energy efficiency, contributing to climate targets and reducing operating costs.
Risk Management: identifies and addresses potential risks associated with climate change, including price fluctuations and supply chains, increasing the resilience of the organisation.
Access to funding: CTAPs enable better access to finance, including green funds, through a credible and transparent approach to planning and implementing sustainable initiatives.
Optimizing and innovating business models: It offers opportunities that reduce emissions and operating costs while enhancing image and credibility with stakeholders.

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Get back to me. I'm here for you.

Jiří Jedlička, obchod

Ing. Jiří Jedlička, Ph. D.

Napište nebo zavolejte, ochotně zodpovíme vaše dotazy

Často se nás ptáte

  • What is a just transformation? How do companies and municipalities address the social and economic impacts on communities and employees?

    A just transition focuses on maximising the social and economic benefits of climate action without creating or increasing systemic inequalities.

    When developing climate action plans, companies/municipalities should consider and actively minimise negative impacts on disadvantaged communities, employees and vulnerable customers.

    Companies should also actively engage with these groups and include them in the planning and implementation of their action plans.

    Eg: Supporting existing employees, suppliers and vulnerable custosmers in the transition to zero emissions, consulting and implementing feedback from employees, suppliers and affected communities.

  • What are the advantages of having CTAP? Benefits for companies?

    Transparency and credibility: the CTAP provides a clear and concrete plan that shows how the company/municipality intends to achieve its climate goals. This can strengthen the trust of stakeholders, including investors, customers and employees.

    Risk Management: CTAP can help a company/community to identify and address potential climate risks such as fluctuations in resource prices, supply chain disruptions or changes in customer demand due to environmental trends, subsidies and green financing.

    Improving brand image: today, consumers are increasingly choosing brands based on their environmental credentials. CTAP clearly demonstrates a company’s/corporation’s positive attitude towards climate issues.

    Access to finance: investors and financial institutions are increasingly favouring companies with clear strategies for tackling climate change. CTAP can help a company/community more easily access finance or attract investment from green funds.

    Optimising business models: CTAP can help a company identify new business opportunities, innovations and effective methods to reduce emissions, reduce operating costs and gain a competitive advantage.

  • What does a CTAP contain?

    1) Emission reduction strategy:

    Includes current and planned actions (1-3 years) to reduce emissions in line with international targets.

    Defines the largest and most relevant sources of company/city emissions.

    It also takes into account the company’s investment in new technology and research and external factors (e.g. capital investment, investment in new staff and expertise, technological advances or supplier relationships)

    It specifies targets for renewable energy deployment, energy efficiency targets, zero emission fleet targets, supplier engagement targets and new products.

    Emphasises the fluidity of strategies (able to respond to new information, trends and challenges)

    2) Business strategy management and integration:

    Integrate GHG reduction targets into their business models and plans.

    3) Public Policy:

    Ensuring that all political and business activities and associations are pro-climate change and, conversely, exclude non-cooperation with organisations expressing negative attitudes towards climate change.

    4) Rovnoprávnou a spravedlivou transformaci:

    A just transition focuses on maximising the social and economic benefits of climate action without creating or increasing systemic inequalities.

  • What is the difference between CTAP and ESG?

    ESG and other climate documents are key to monitoring corporate/municipal progress on GHG reduction and other environmental, social and governance targets. Using ESG, companies detail the targets they set, their emissions over time and the progress they are making towards these targets. Longer-term, strategic plans are identified. In contrast, CTAPs are short-term plans focused on specific goals. Although they may be included in ESG reports, they should be seen as complementary and more specific. ESG reports serve as the cornerstone for CTAPs

Kdo tuto službu využil

Martin Vokřál, jednatel ASITIS s.r.o.
Martin Vokřál
jednatel společnost ASITIS

We are ready to work together.

Contact us and we will be happy to help you with any of our services
Martin Vokřál

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