Get ready

Private Sphere

We are ready to help companies achieve their sustainable goals, which are linked not only to environmental benefits but also to the companies themselves.

Do you have any questions?

Jiří Jedlička, obchod

Ing. Jiří Jedlička, Ph. D.

Write or call, we will be happy to answer your questions
Adaptace a mitigace
under the same roof
Comprehensive solutions and a holistic approach
we combine specialized disciplines and develop innovative solutions
we build on the experiences of design studios, innovative technologies, and good practice
Research and Development
we are involved in several scientific research and innovatio projcts

Ready to help Private Sphere

There are several reasons why it is beneficial for companies to address sustainability. Let's start with legislation. Climate change is a hot issue for the European Union today. Sustainability and ESG reporting requirements already affect many companies and are likely to affect your company in the future. Moreover, sustainability can also represent a significant financial saving for a company, increasing its credibility not only in the eyes of the public but also in banks and other institutions. In addition, a sustainable approach contributes to market visibility.
Obnovitelné zdroje energie

What benefits do you get from our services?

compliance with legislative requirements
active environmental protection
Enhanced opportunities for obtaining European subsidies and green financing
Protecting investments and staying ahead of the competition 
increased attractiveness of the company on the market
energy savings combined with financial savings, etc.
strategic risk management and company development
Martin Vokřál, jednatel ASITIS s.r.o.
Martin Vokřál
jednatel společnost ASITIS

We are ready to work together.

Contact us and we will be happy to help you with any of our services
Martin Vokřál

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