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Advice on climate change adaptation and mitigation draws on the expertise of design studios, the application of innovative technologies, and adherence to international best practices.
Adaptation and mitigation 
under one roof
Comprehensive solutions and a holistic approach
we combine specialized disciplines and develop innovative solutions
we build on the experiences of design studios, innovative technologies, and good practice
Research and development
we are involved in several scientific research and innovation projects

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  • ASITIS becomes an ESA supplier in the field of Urban Analytics

    ASITIS is now a contractor for the European Space Agency (ESA) in the field of Urban Analytics. At the same time, it is developing another project supported by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TAČR) called REGADAPT and starting to implement P2R sub-projects in the Czech Republic.

  • 2023: More research projects and team growth

    In 2023, ASITIS started work on other scientific research projects (VITR) and joined the VALORADA project, Horizon Europe. People with postgraduate degrees have been added to our team, allowing us to implement more challenging and innovative projects.

  • 2022: First scientific research projects and expansions

    In 2022, ASITIS started work on its first scientific research project (NAZV) and began providing energy services, including civil engineering studies and concept papers. Together with partners, it succeeded in an international competition and a feasibility study for the UpGreen service was developed (in collaboration with ESA). We also started to create the first services in the Slovak market.

  • 2021: A Significant Shift

    In 2021, ASITIS emerged as a leading provider of adaptation strategies, advanced its scientific research projects, and expanded its energy services. This evolution delivers comprehensive and innovative solutions to our clients.

  • 2020: development of expertise

    In 2020, ASITIS prepared a methodology for developing climate change adaptation strategies and won its first contracts. We are expanding our expertise and strengthening our market position.

  • 2019: The beginning of our journey

    In 2019, the first team was formed and started working on a methodology to identify climate-vulnerable areas concerning heat waves. This initial step was key to our future activities to address climate challenges.

Our team of experts

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