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Green Deal

The Green Deal for Europe is the European Union’s strategic plan to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. The aim is to create a sustainable, clean and green economy. The strategy is based on reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% from 1990 levels by 2030 and achieving net zero emissions by 2050.

The Green Deal includes a wide range of policies and measures across a number of sectors. These include energy, transport, agriculture, industry and construction. Key areas include ensuring secure and affordable energy supplies, promoting renewable energy and increasing energy efficiency, for example by improving the energy performance of buildings and developing clean technologies.

Encouraging innovation and modernising infrastructure is also an important part of the Green Deal. This includes, for example, building integrated energy systems and interconnecting European grids to facilitate the transition to renewable energy sources. There is also a focus on reducing emissions in sectors such as transport, where the development of electric mobility and alternative fuels is planned.

Another important aspect is the protection of nature and biodiversity. The Green Deal aims to restore damaged ecosystems, improve the sustainability of agricultural practices and reduce the use of chemical pesticides.

These ambitious goals will be funded through a number of different mechanisms. One of these is the EU’s Next Generation programme, which provides funding for recovery from climate-related disasters and for green investments. Around a third of the total €1.8 trillion budget for NextGenerationEU and the EU’s seven-year budget is earmarked for funding green projects.

The Green Deal also has a social dimension, with an emphasis on a fair transition that leaves no one behind. This includes supporting the regions and workers most affected by the changes to ensure their integration into the new green economy.

Zdroj: European Commission, EUR-Lex

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