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Carbon footprint and life cycle assessment (LCA)

Are you ready to reduce your carbon footprint? Excellent. We'll calculate the carbon footprint of your product, business or municipality, identify key sources of emissions and deliver a strategy with clear steps to reduce them. All by international GHG Protocol and ISO standards.
I want to measure my carbon footprint

Do you have any questions?

Jiří Jedlička, obchod

Ing. Jiří Jedlička, Ph. D.

Write or call, we will be happy to answer your questions

4 advantages of this service

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
and increasing sustainability
Reduction of operating costs
and increase value in the supply chain
Easier access to funding
and improving the brand image
of key product stages

What is Carbon footprint calculation and LCA

The carbon footprint is a measure of the impact of human activity on the environment. The calculation of the carbon footprint is used to reveal the total amount of greenhouse gases that are directly and indirectly produced by the activities of a product, individual, company or community. The calculation covers a wide range of emissions, from those from energy production and consumption to emissions from transport, materials production and many other activities. The calculation aims to quantify the impact of climate change and identify opportunities for reducing emissions and improving sustainability.
How can we help you?
Measurement and subsequent reduction of carbon footprint and Life Cycle Assessment is an integral part of corporate social responsibility and ESG reporting. Calculating carbon footprints helps companies and municipalities improve sustainability and reduce the environmental impacts of their operations. Our calculations often reveal areas where energy efficiency can be improved, reducing resource consumption and associated costs. In addition, it helps to diversify the risks associated with climate change and presents new opportunities for innovation.
vozový park
uhlíková stopa spojená s dopravou - scope 3

What this service includes:

Our Carbon Footprint and Life Cycle Measurement service includes the following:
analysing the greenhouse gas production and measuring the carbon footprint of your product, business or municipality in accordance with the international standard (GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard)
evaluating the carbon footprint of your products at specific stages of production and throughout the entire life cycle (LCA)
techno-economic study (specific measures in the field of energy savings, increasing energy efficiency, use of renewable sources)
we will also help those interested in the application of ISO 14000 series standards in the context of a specific company or municipality
I am interested in this service

What output can you count on?

Calculate the carbon footprint according to your chosen categories (SCOPE 1, 2, 3)
SCOPE 1: Includes direct emissions that originate from sources controlled within the company. In other words, it defines emissions that are directly caused by the company or municipality itself.
SCOPE 2: Refers to indirect emissions from energy purchases (e.g. electricity, heat, steam, etc.) resulting from corporate or municipal activities.
SCOPE 3: Includes indirect emissions from third party activities outside the control of the enterprise (e.g. emissions from production, transport, distribution or use and purchase of materials).

5 t CO2

the average carbon footprint of a Czech resident is 5 tonnes of CO2 per year

2 t CO2

food has an average carbon footprint of 2 tonnes of CO2 per capita per year

1,5 t CO2

housing has an average carbon footprint of 1.5 tonnes of CO2 per capita per year

53 %

concrete steps to reduce the carbon footprint have already been taken
53% of companies

Ready to help

in the public and private sphere

Get back to me. I'm here for you.

Jiří Jedlička, obchod

Ing. Jiří Jedlička, Ph. D.

Write or call, we will be happy to answer your questions.


  • How long does the whole process of calculating the carbon footprint take?

    o The process of calculating the carbon footprint is individual, highly dependent on the size and type of the business/community and the supply of the necessary documents.

  • What are the options for reducing emissions and achieving carbon neutrality?

    The most commonly considered solutions include switching to renewable energy sources, more efficient use of fuel and energy, reducing energy consumption, optimising logistics and reducing waste and sequestering carbon in the soil. In addition, planting trees and offsetting emissions through carbon offset projects.

  • What are the steps in developing a decarbonisation strategy?

    o Analysis of current emissions.

    o Setting decarbonisation targets and an action plan.

    o Implementation of measures (direct, indirect) related to decarbonisation.

    o Monitoring and reporting on progress.

  • What international standards and norms are used in the calculation?

    o ISO 14064 for the quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions.

    o ISO 14040/14044 for LCA rules.

    o GHG Protocol for corporate accounting and emissions reporting.

  • What is the process for calculating the carbon footprint for a company or product?

    1.) Data is collected on emissions-related activities (energy and fuel consumption) and the main sources of emissions are identified.

    2.) Use of emission factors to convert activities into GHG emissions.

    3.) Summary and analysis of results

  • What is the difference between LCA and carbon footprinting?

    The LCA method assesses the complex environmental impact of a product throughout its entire life cycle (from production to disposal), including emissions, material and water consumption, etc… All impact categories are taken into account. The carbon footprint measurement covers only one category of environmental impact and those are greenhouse gas emissions.

Kdo tuto službu využil

Martin Vokřál, jednatel ASITIS s.r.o.
Martin Vokřál
jednatel společnost ASITIS

We are ready to work together.

Contact us and we will be happy to help you with any of our services
Martin Vokřál

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