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Roman Bohovic

Co-owner of ASITIS s.r.o.
Po-Pá: 9:00 - 17:00
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Roman Bohovic is a leading expert in the field of Earth observation, specializing in Earth surface monitoring, vegetation dynamics and time series analysis. After a short academic career, he decided to devote himself to exploiting the possibilities of satellite monitoring in practice. He is looking for problems on Earth that can be solved using data from space. He is a co-founder of ASITIS and World from Space and was also the founder of the Brno Space Cluster. He is involved in the development of the Czech national satellite for Earth monitoring, or the mission to the moon.

Professional Information:

Roman graduated in computer science at the Brno University of Technology and then in applied geoinformatics and cartography at Masaryk University, where he completed all levels of studies up to his PhD. He has worked on evapotranspiration, ecosystem phenology and time series analysis of satellite observations. He gained research and academic experience at UNESCO/ZEF projects in Central Asia and Germany, then was a member of the Intersucho team at Mendel University and CzechGlobe., where he worked on the assessment of drought impacts on vegetation.

In the last decade, he has focused on the application of scientific knowledge for the development of operational tools in agriculture, environment, climate change and smart cities, always using Earth observation data. As a technical director and data expert, he leads teams working on several research projects for the European Space Agency (ESA) or TAČR. He is involved in machine learning experiments, but equally in the development of products suitable for operational use in the field.


  • Information Technology at FIT VUT in Brno
  • Geoinformatics and Sustainability, Digital Cartography and Remote Sensing at the Faculty of Science, Masaryk University
  • PhD in Earth Remote Sensing

Work achievements:

  • Copernicus Masters 2018, 2020 – Winner
  • AMBIC – National EO Mission
  • Leadership of 2 dozen science research and application projects from urban climate change adaptation to the Czech mission to the moon
  • Author and co-author of several scientific papers

Check out the profiles of colleagues

    Martin Vokřál
    Co-owner of ASITIS s.r.o. and CEO
    Jan Závěšický
    Co-owner of ASITIS and Head of the Mitigation Team
    Hana Trávníčková
    Climate Change Adaptation Team Leader
    Jan Labohý
    Co-owner of ASITIS and Director of World from Space
    Jiří Jedlička
    Business Director