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Workshop of the VALORADA Project: Innovative Approaches to Sustainable and Climate-Resilient Development of European Regions

The workshop took place on October 11-12, 2023, at Palacký University Olomouc. The event was organized by ASITIS s.r.o., a company specializing in climate change, adaptation strategies, and the use of satellite data. During the workshop, innovative approaches of the VALORADA project to sustainable development of cities and regions were discussed. International representatives of the VALORADA project, including Germany’s GERICS, Finland’s FMI, and Climate KIC – the European Commission’s innovation climate agency, led discussions and presentations. Additionally, representatives from the cities of Mladá Boleslav and Přerov, which served as model cities for the project, were present.

Among the main benefits of the VALORADA project were the assessment of necessary climate adaptation and resilience at the regional and local levels, the creation of prototype tools for data handling, and ensuring maximum efficiency of these tools according to the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). The FAIR principles ensured that scientific data was easily findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable.

The VALORADA workshop focused on the following key thematic areas: understanding the impacts of climate change on local communities and assessing these impacts, identifying climate risks, the necessary data and processes for managing these risks, and finally, specific steps towards strengthening urban resilience. The outputs of the workshop were thoroughly analyzed, summarized, and compared with results from similar events in various European cities.