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Jiří Jedlička

Business Director
Po-Pá: 9:00 - 17:00
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Jiří is an experienced expert in environmental protection, sustainable development and transport. He has over 20 years of experience in applied research and has authored or co-authored over 90 scientific articles and publications. Through his work not only in research but also in connecting and networking experts, and municipalities both nationally and internationally, Jiri has become a key figure in several international and national projects focusing on sustainable transport, ecological carrying capacity of territories and climate change mitigation. He seeks to transfer his experience both within his internal work team and especially to the public and private sectors to promote sustainable development and contribute to reducing the impacts of climate change.

Professional information

Jiří is a graduate of Mendel University in Brno, where he received his Ing. degree in agroecology (1999) and later his Ph.D. in Applied and Landscape Ecology (2021). His professional career includes the position of researcher and division director at the Centre for Transport Research, v.v.i., a specialist in the field of environment and transport at Ekotoxa s.r.o., and now he works as a specialist in adaptation, mitigation and climate change at ASITIS s.r.o.


  • Ing., Mendel University in Brno, agroecology, 1999
  • Ph.D., Mendel University in Brno, Applied and Landscape Ecology, 2021
  • Authorization: Processing of dispersion studies

Work achievements:

During his career, Jiří has been a responsible researcher and co-director of approximately 80 national (MoE, MoE, TAČR) and international projects (COST, FP5, FP6 and FP7). His work includes the preparation of strategic documents and concept papers for state and local government and participation in a number of national and international conferences and seminars. He participated in the implementation of the “Transport R&D Centre” (CDV PLUS), which was financed by the EU and the state budget of the Czech Republic through the Operational Programme Research and Development for Innovation, Priority Axis 2 – Regional R&D Centres.

Top implemented projects:

Jiří has been instrumental in several key projects that have had a significant impact on the development of sustainable transport and environmental

Check out the profiles of colleagues

    Martin Vokřál
    Co-owner of ASITIS s.r.o. and CEO
    Jan Závěšický
    Co-owner of ASITIS and Head of the Mitigation Team
    Hana Trávníčková
    Climate Change Adaptation Team Leader
    Jan Labohý
    Co-owner of ASITIS and Director of World from Space
    Roman Bohovic
    Co-owner of ASITIS s.r.o.